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Well there's a lot of answers for this one. Here they are:

# It helps you stay fit. Basketball is a very pacing game. You use your leg muscles to run. And your arm muscles to help shoot the ball. You also need aim in it, and basketball is the perfect game for that. # Basketball improves your strategy. You have to make lots of plays according to the situations. For example, if there's 5 seconds left and your team is down by 1, you have to make plays to help get a good contested shot. # It's fun to watch. Very fun.

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16y ago
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15y ago

Basketball is one of the best sports if you want a great cardio workout. It helps you with agility, hand-eye coordination, quick thinking, and helps with weight loss.

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12y ago

In many schools if you have an F you can't play any sports, so that will make you keep your grades up if you want to play basketball.

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12y ago

Well in some schools if you have a F you can't play so you have to keep your grades up to play basketball.

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Kid, don't give up your dream. If you are that good, keep your grades up in school, try out for the team, and play hard for minutes.

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well it really depends are you talking like junior high or high school or just elementry cause all you really have to do is keep up average grades and try your best even when it isn't basketball season just keep practising

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You can't play and try and get your grades up to play next quarter, basketball season lies between two grading periods so there is always a chance to get your grades up.

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keep your eye on the ball and keep your mometum up and do not give up in any sport that is my positive things about basketball keep your eye on the ball and keep your mometum up and do not give up in any sport that is my positive things about basketball

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Lab reports are always important. First, it helps you keep up with the specifics of the experiment which makes it overall easier on you

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You have to get all your grades up to good grades and keep it like that until it is the end of the year

Why am I a failure I get very bad grades?

your not a failure keep working hard and youll get ur grades up

A sentence for endeavor?

The girl will endeavor to keep up her grades

How do you get your grades up easy?

turning in all of your stuff usually helps with that a lot.

How did you pass the seventh grade?

It is not like elementary where you can have bad grades and still move on you HAVE to have good grades or you fail and if you have f's and want to do a sport you can't you HAVE to keep your grades up!

How important is it to get all A?

Very important! Stay in school! Keep your grades up!

How do you keep your grades up in math?

study a little bit every night