You can't play and try and get your grades up to play next quarter, Basketball season lies between two grading periods so there is always a chance to get your grades up.
Michael Jordan.
Yes. He was cut from the varsity basketball team at Emsley A. Laney High School as a sophomore.
Basketball shoes are usually high-cut to prevent a twisted ankle. They are also made to reduce sliding on the court.
yep, but then he became the best at basketball in the world.
Basketball was created by Dr. James Naismith, born in Almonte, Ontario (near Ottawa, Canada). Dr. Naismith used an apple basket with the bottom cut out for the first basket. Dr. Naismith invented the game in the United States, at a private school. He wanted to give young boys a game of agility and skill, with little cost involved.
normally 6th or 7th grade. But they could still be in 5th grade if they were held back a year, or could be in 8th grade if they are ahead in school or if it's the beginning of the year and their birthday is before the cut-off date.
He got cut from a team
The grade cut offs for the upcoming exam have not been determined yet.
a 12 year old is normally in 6th or 7th grade, unless there are different circumstances such as the child having been held back a year in school (in which case they could still be in 5th grade when they turn 12), or if the child is a year ahead in school or if he/she has a birthday after school starts but before the cut-off date (meaning they would still be 12 when they start 8th grade).
a 15 year old is normally in 9th or 10th grade. There are some cases where it could be different- such as if he/she had to repeat a year in school, then they could still be in 8th grade when they turn 15, or they could start 11th grade at 15 if they are a year ahead in school or if they have a really late birthday before the cut-off date.
Yes,great fun!