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your not a failure keep working hard and youll get ur grades up

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Q: Why am I a failure I get very bad grades?
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How do you tell parents you got bad grades?

Very carefully

Why are C grades very bad to get in university?

It make you look like a fricking spas is why

What grades did chad johnson get?

bad grades.

If you get good grades is it bad?

are you kidding? getting good grades is awesome! Most of the time, your grades will affect the type of car you will drive, the house you will live in, the person you'll marry, your future career, and your childrens lives, and if you're getting good grades, then all of that will turn out to be very positive!But remember, even if you get some bad grades, its not the end of the world ;)study hard, and congratulations on your grades!

Does drake Parker get good grades?

No he does not get good grades he gets bad grades!

Should I look into military recruitment for my son He has bad grades.?

Your son may not have to join the military, there are plenty of jobs that can be done, even if your son did not get very good grades.

What does FS mean in school grades?

Failure by stopping from attending

What to do if diesel fuel on the dip stick?

Panic as this is very bad and indicates a serious internal failure

What do you do with bad grades on your report card?

Go to summerschool, and follow the teacher's directions. He/She may make up for those bad grades and change them to the grades you want.

If you get a no dress code will your schools get bad grades or good grades?

The grades will stay the same. Grades don't depend on clothes.

How many kids have bad grades from moving?

It is usally a 9 out of 10 chance that a child will have bad grades after moving.

What are Adam Young's grades?

This information is not open to the public, but he has stated that he was very bad at math and hated it. He was also put on a college probation list due to poor grades before going into music.