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Q: How.many minutes do you get n the box for fighting in hockey?
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What sport inspired the name five for fighting?

Hockey did, It means when you fight, you get 5 minutes in the penalty box

What is a minor penalty in hockey?

Most penalties are minor, giving the player two minutes in the penalty box. A major penalty is five minutes long and reserved for infractions like 'fighting'.

What is a hockey box?

A box in hockey is a penelty box, where you go if you trip or any other things like that. You can have a 5,2,4,10 minute penelty

What is in hockey?

penalty box

What is lounge in hockey?

penalty box

What sports have penalties?

If you are in the penalty box, you are playing hockey. Hockey is the only major U.S sport that does not have fouls. When a foul or fight occurs in hockey, you are subjected to the penalty box for a certain amount of time. If you are in a fight in hockey you are allowed to continue to fight until at least one player has hit the ice then it must stop, and once that is over with both players must go to the penalty box.

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What happens in hockey if all players of one team are in penality box?

If all players are penalty box in hockey they would have to defeat. This would mean they would lose.

What is multi front war?

Picture a box with four sides. Fighting on 1 side is one front. Fighting on two sides of the box is fighting on two fronts. Three sides of the box is 3 fronts, four sides of the box (surrounded) is fighting on four fronts. Two or more fronts is a multi front war.

Who may enter the goalie box in hockey?

the goalie only

What three sports combine to make lacrosse?

Ice hockey, basketball, and football. Specifically box lacrosse.

What are four infractions that will send you to the penalty box?

Hockey? Tripping, slashing, holding, high sticking are four of many penalties in hockey.