When you are blocking a shot it is critical that you look at the Basketball. If you don't then you will not know where the basketball is and you just might hit the person and get a foul. Once you at least smack the ball away then you look where it went and not stare at it but then go after it.
You can improve your basketball shot by practicing.
I don't know what your basketball shot is.
in basketball you make a rainbow shot
The most common shot in basketball is a layup.
First, if you actually had to look this up you either have an IQ lower than Forrest Gump, or you are under 3 years of age. A missed shot in Basketball is a shot that did not go into the basket, or for you people that had to look this question up, the circular round thing in the middle of the bottom of the square that are on each end of the court.
there is no such thing as an illegal shot, at least not in american basketball
The two point shot has always existed in basketball.
You would find the "jump shot" in Basketball.
A free shot in basketball would be a free throw. You get this if you are fouled during the game.
Bank Shot
A Deflection is another way of saying that somebody has made a block ... (Not necessarily - to the above answer)... A Block usually refers to a player blocking a shot. A Deflection is the knocking away of a pass that disrupts the offense.
practice loser