Yes, infect it is a very large sport. It is, after all, the fastest growing sport.
They play on a feild.
how many people play lacrosse in the united states
They play Ice Hockey and Lacrosse alot
To play girls lacrosse, you need lacrosse goggles,a girl's lacrosse stick, and a mouthguard.
With a lacrosse stick and a lacrosse ball
a lacrosse stick.
There are many benefits to playing lacrosse like developing team skills. Lacrosse can also increase your strength and keep you in shape. The best thing about lacrosse is how much fun it is. There are many reasons that people play and it really works out for a lot of people.
There are supposed to be 10 people on each team, but i guess if you play informally then you could play with more.
Not often. Lacrosse isn't one of those games which is popular on the West Coast. People play it in California, but they're usually either transplants from the Mid-Atlantic or New England or attended school there.
More than 2,000+ people play golf in Germany.