Yes. As long as the ball goes to a hitter in the traditional position, it works as a set. Using your hands is better, though.
Underhand serve
block, set (volley), bump(pass), serve (underhand and/or overhand),and spike
only for younger players
over-hand and underhand
of course you can!. . .
over hand jumps serve jump floater underhand
underhand, overhand, and jump serve
Underhand Pass (or simply pass)- used primarily in the backrow for defensive specialists. The goal is to get up to the setter. Overhand Pass (set)- used primarily by the setter. The goal is to set it up for a hitter to hit it.
You should hit it with an underhand pass, otherwise known as a bump.
there are no penalties. there are no penalties.
== == == == Usually not... but you can if the coach prefer you to also, it depends on how old you are. if you are still jv then it isn't as crucial that you do it overhand