If you are on base, and the batter hits a foul ball that is caught, and there is less than 2 outs, you may attempt to run to the next base after the ball is caught.
Yes, it is a home run if the baseball hits the foul pole.
Fair ball, usually judged a home run since usually foul poles are above the outfield fence.
The markings on the field has a foul line. This is by the running paths by 1st and 3rd. Any ball that lands in between the foul line is a fair ball. Any ball that lands out the foul line is a foul. When ball rolls on the infield and goes out the foul territory will be called foul. But when ball lands on the outfield and rolls to foul territory is a live ball
You can not get a foul but you can hit a foul ball when the ball is hit outside of the lines.
If a ball hits the foul line, it is a fair ball.
It's still foul cause the ball was hit in foul territory. Whether a ball is fair or foul is based on the position of the ball when it is touched. Since the ball was touched when the ball was in foul territory, it would be a foul ball.
Foul ball
Home plate is considered in fair territory. If the ball hits home plate and rolls into foul territory, the ball is foul. If the ball hits home plate and rolls into fair territory, the ball is fair.
In both baseball and softball all lines are considered to be fair territory. If a batted ball hits the line on the fly, but then rolls into foul territory, it is still considered a fair ball. This rule only applies to a ball hit past either the first or third base bag. A ball that hits the line, or inside the line, before reaching the first or third base bag is a foul ball.
Yes its a foul ball but keep on running to the next base until the umpire calls it a foul ball!!!!
A ground ball its fair. A fly ball is foul.
No. The umpire calls the ball fair or foul based on where the ball is when the fielder touches it. If the ball is in foul territory when it is touched, the ball is called foul.