

Is it foul if the ball hits the plate?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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12y ago

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Yes its a foul ball but keep on running to the next base until the umpire calls it a foul ball!!!!

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Q: Is it foul if the ball hits the plate?
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Is a ball considered fair or foul if it hits homeplate first?

Home plate is considered in fair territory. If the ball hits home plate and rolls into foul territory, the ball is foul. If the ball hits home plate and rolls into fair territory, the ball is fair.

Is the ball foul if it hits the plate?

you're such a dumbface braindude

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Home plate is considered fair territory. Thus, if the ball hits home plate AND then never leaves fair territory, it remains a fair ball. However, if the ball hits home plate, and afterwards goes into foul territory before leaving the infield, then it is a foul ball.

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No matter who hits it, it's a foul ball.

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if it hits off the bat then the batter its autmatically foul but if they completely miss then its a strike

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the foul lines come directly to the point on the back of home plate. that is why a ball off the plate is a fair ball

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In both baseball and softball all lines are considered to be fair territory. If a batted ball hits the line on the fly, but then rolls into foul territory, it is still considered a fair ball. This rule only applies to a ball hit past either the first or third base bag. A ball that hits the line, or inside the line, before reaching the first or third base bag is a foul ball.

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If a ball hits the foul line, it is a fair ball.

The batter hit the ball and it hits and stays on home base. In little league is this fair or foul?

Home Plate is in fair territory.

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It would be considered a fair ball.

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If a batter gets a base hit to the outfield that would normally be a single but the ball goes through the legs of an outfielder and the batter winds up on third base, the play would be scored as a single and an error on the outfielder. Depends on the determination of the "official scorer". If the ball goes under the outfielder's legs and, in the official scorer's opinion, it could have been fielded with ordinary effort, and the batter or runners advance an additional base or bases, it would be an error allowing the runners, and/or hitter to advance. If, however, the ball goes under the outfielder's legs and, in the scorers opinion, could not have been fielded by ordinary effort, an error is not necessarily scored on the play.