No if it is a foul ball or if it hits the fence and you catch it it does not matter you still can play it if it is not foul but if it is foul and you catch it when it hits the fence they just call it a strike.
Actually - you CAN catch a ball off the fence. There is no rule against it, however it will NOT be counted as an out. The fence is part of the field just like the ground. Therefore, if it hits the fence in foul or fair territory, it is played the same as if it had hit the ground before you caught it.
The fence
Some drills for catching grounders it that you can get a small piece of wood and strap it onto your hand and learn to use two hands to catch the ball.a sliding drill is to get two eggs and go into the the grass and slide and you have to keep the eggs above your head or they will break.And a batting drill is stand next to a fence and swing and if you hit the fence your drop your shoulder.
Getting pinned in softball means to get pinned up in the fence by the other team.
No, in no level of softball or baseball can you use your helment or hat to catch a ball
you catch and throw a ball
If you have to ask you probably shouldn't play.
automatic home run
over the fence... and through the woods to grandmothers house we go
The perimeter would be the fence around the field. I'm assuming you are asking the distance which is 220 feet for international softball.
If your at a baseball or softball game and you catch it in the stands it does not count as a out and you can keep the ball
with a baseball glove and to throw it use your bare hand