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Yes, because you jump, run, walk etc when you skip. exact same as if you were playing soccer or Rugby etc.

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10y ago

yes if skip (stride) you can go a longer distance the running with out skipping (strides)

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Q: Can skipping make you jump higher?
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Skipping works.

What are the teaching points for skipping?

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How does SKIPPING help in basketball and any other methods like this?

Basically it works you calves, quads and your abdomen muscles. Working these muscles help you jump higher, therefore you will be able to dunk if you can jump high enough

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How do you make my jump higher?

up up

Why does your rpm gauge jump on your tundra?

Clutch could be skipping

Does Ankle Weights Make You Jump Higher?

yes it does

Do thongs help you jump higher?

Yes they make you lighter which puts less gravitational pull on yourself allowing you to jump higher

What happens to your body after you jump over a skipping rope?

It jiggles or bends a bit.

How can you make yourself jump higher?

Lose some weight :)