Basically it works you calves, quads and your abdomen muscles. Working these muscles help you jump higher, therefore you will be able to dunk if you can jump high enough
Skipping will help your thighs and lower leg muscles. It can also help strengthen the bones.
A basketball coach can help.
To play a game of basketball, the essentials are a basketball goal/hoop, and ofcourse, a basketball. Some more things that help are tennis shoes, athletic wear, and other people...
There is no actual way to keep a video game from skipping. Although the xbox 360 has the ability to download its games to the hard drive which does help reduce the amount of skipping but does not get rid of it.
it helps you becuz you burn calories and lose wieght
i heard constant rope skipping can help
If you are going to be skipping,i'd advise you to wear a well supporting sports bra to minimise risk of sagging especially if you have large breasts.
TO Help you Grip the Basketball when you are playing
plz help me
very effective Yes, skipping is a very effective way of reducing fat, getting a good cardio workout and introducing a little variety into your normal routine. It works out almost every part of your body, wrists, calf's, hamstrings, shoulders, ankles etc. Using different methods of skipping is a fantastic way to spice up your workouts, just five minutes a day will help you on your quest... It's more good news! Skipping ropes are extremely cheap and you could probably buy one for less the £2, mine was £1.99 ;)
Your bike chain may be skipping due to issues such as a worn chain, misaligned gears, or a dirty chain. Regular maintenance and proper adjustment can help prevent this problem.
Skipping strategies in reading involve techniques such as previewing the text, scanning for relevant information, and skimming for main ideas. These strategies help readers efficiently navigate and comprehend written material by focusing on key information while skipping unnecessary details. By using skipping strategies, readers can save time and better understand the material they are reading.