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Q: Can a player hold the ball for more then three seconds with out dribbling?
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What are 2 ways to advance the ball down the court in basketball?

A player can pass the ball to a player located further down the court or he can run while dribbling the ball. A player cannot move his feet while holding the ball.

What is the term where a player runs with the ball without dribbling?


At what point does a pass no longer count as an assist in a basketball game?

When the player that receives the pass dribbles the ball. If the player receiving the ball makes a jump shot without dribbling or drives the basket and makes the shot without dribbling an assist is awarded. Actully no, an assist counts if the playr that got th bal passed to scores in less then 2 seconds. Not when he dribbles. Thats not true. You get 3 seconds 2 score. And the player passing th ball gets the assist

When a basketball player runs with the ball and does not dribble?

When a basketball player runs with the ball with out dribbling, they are traveling which is against the rules.

What is deadball in basketball?

A deadball in basketball is when someone who is dribbling the ball, stops dribbling. That person is just stuck in that spot until a teammate comes to retrieve the ball. You can only be "dead" for 5 seconds with a defender on you.

Does a basketball assist require that the player shoots the ball without dribbling?


What is held ball in netball?

'Held ball' is an infringement which occurs when a player with the ball holds it for three seconds or more.

How long can a basketball player keep the ball in his hands without dribbling?

In the NBA the player has 8 seconds to cross the back court. In college it's 10.

How long are you permitted to hold the ball in netball?

On average, you can only hold the ball upto 3(three) seconds. In primary school games, the ball can sometimes be held upto 5(five) seconds but it all depends on the umpire in primary school games.

Explain the term of double dribbling?

It is when you get the ball and dribble than if you pick up your dibble then dribble again

When you use your fingertips to push the ball what is that call?

Using your fingertips to push the ball in basketball is typically referred to as dribbling. Dribbling allows a player to move with the ball while maintaining possession and is a fundamental skill in the game.