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you can never dribble out of bounds. ever.

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Q: Can a player dribble out of bounds on change of possession?
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In men's lacrosse can you push a player out of bounds and gain possession of the ball?

Yes, if you push him out of bounds while he has the ball, it is your ball. Or a change of possession if that is easier to understand

Can a player touch the ball and step out of bounds and come back in a gain possession of the ball?

Yes, if the player establishes himself in bounds by placing both feet inside the court. If one foot has not been re-established, then it is a violation of being out of bounds while collecting the ball, resulting in a turnover.

When a player steps on the out of bounds line and is then bumped out by a defender what is the call?

When a player steps on the out of bounds line, the ball is out of bounds and the opposing team will get possession. It doesn't matter if a defender commits a foul afterwards, the ball was out of bounds first, so this is the call.

Can a player dribble down court lose the ball go out of bounds come back on the court and be the first person to touch the ball?

yes as long as all of your body is in bounds before you touch the ball again

Ball in players possession however ball outside pilon. is this a touchdown?

As long as the player is not ruled out of bounds it is a touchdown. The goal line technically extends past out of bounds.

Why is it legal to throw the ball off of another player when you are about to fall out of bounds in basketball?

Because the play is called a pass or a save and is always legal. The rule that applies most is the one that states that possession goes to the other team when a player touches the ball last prior to landing out of bounds. Moreover, it takes skill to place the ball on the opposing player with sufficient velocity and in such a way as to insure he will not be able to gather it up and cost YOU a change of possession.

Who get possession of the ball after a loose ball in basketball?

if the ball goes out of bounds then the team that threw it out of bounds doesnt get it

What is illegal dribble?

an illegal dribble or double dribble in basketball is when the player uses both hands to dribble or the player starts to dribble a second time after coming to a stop

Do both feet have to be in bounds for college?

No. College football only requires a player to be in possession of the ball and have one foot inbounds.

In football on a punt when ball is fumbled and goes out of bounds last touched by kicking team player who is awarded possession of ball?

receiving team

What is the longest amount time a player should keep possession of the ball in basketball before passing to a teammate?

a player can hold it for 5 seconds and dribble it for 10 seconds then he has to make a basketball play

In lacrosse if a ball is shot and a player is chasing down the ball it goes out-of-bounds and they're closest to it does that player get credited for a GROUND BALL stat?

no they do not their team just receives possession