Yes, It may take a little bit of pressure, but it eventually will slide on. If you have trouble, run the throat (bottom part of head that connects to shaft) under some hot water, and then try sliding it on (this will soften up the plastic)
It shouldn't matter. Any head should fit on any shaft
ya it should fit fine cuz i have the brine answer for a head and a warrior hero composite for a shaft. it works fine but im getn the brine swizzle shaft soon so ya
Yes, I have a Warrior Mojo head on my Brine Swizzbeat Shaft and I love it. So if your going to try this out, then yes it will work.
the brine clutch head will fit on any brine lacrosse shafts. I have the Clutch on my brine swizzebeat. i recommended this shaft its is light gripy and cheap. it is only 80 dollars
yes, i have a stx head on a brine shaft. yes, i have a stx head on a brine shaft.
any type of head except for a crank shaft head because it is bent. But any kind of head should fit.
It depends on the player. Most players get adapted to and perfer certain brands. A good shaft would be harrow. They are lightweight and composite. A lot of the players use that shaft. As for a head whatever brand you want. I prefer harrow and debeer. There is no clear cut best stick. Just make sure that the stick has good side walls and an offset head I use the p7 head from harrow with the Title IX Straight Shaft.
technically nothing is impossible so yes yes you can 8)
brine cyber
try comlax in i think brantre...they have all your lacrosse needs
Brine franchise X