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Q: Can a football from Wilson that won't inflate get a new air bladder?
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Why don't we call soccer football?

cause ignorants in USA wont know what it is, they think youre referring to american football.>,>

Can you inflate your belly through your mouth?

To a certain point, but not inflate heavily.

Can you die from holding in your pee?

No, you can not... just there is a slight chance that your bladder could explode Not explode but it could get damage the muscle's around the bladder could weaken causes one weak bladder meaning IF you held the urge to go you'd go in your pants in about 3 to 4 seconds So instead of holding it why not just go? I mean seriously! LOL <3 so you will have to pee as long you wont be near your friends LOL<3

Can swallowing air inflate your belly?

yes but it takes ages for your bell to look a bit bigger so just have 1 men-toss and a coke a cola for a start then if you wont more bigger keep on adding but is it starts to get big but you have to train it before you can see a massive bloat. just burp if you wont to deflate and don't burp if you wont to get bigger or all the air goes out of your belly

Do people still buy footballs from Pakistan?

People gets football from other places also. So they wont go to Pakistan to buy one football. :-P

Why does the air pressure in a football effect how far you can throw it?

because ur hand wont beable to grip the ball

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because they are either too lazy or they don't like that kind of club like say like i hate football so i wont play football!

Why is leather plastic and a rubber bladder used to make a basketball?

The basketball is made of an outer coating surrounding an inner rubber bladder. The leather outside is normally on an indoor-only ball and is easily ruined if used outside. There are indoor/outdoor composite balls that are designed for recreational use.

How much does football players get?

they make millions of dollars but shouldn't be paid that much if u want to be a football player i would say choose a different career because most likely you wont be one and what happens when football season is over with or your too old that you cant play football anymore