Use lotion on it and pound it and pound after that put the net in boiling(hot) water and then pound it some more....just keep repeating that and it should work
umm shoot on it....
Check out Youtube.
four feet by four feet
The use the stick with net attached and throw the ball in the goal with it
first wet the pocket with watet, put either one or two balls and then put two pencils between the balls and the sidewall. Wait 1day and take out
lacrosse is different from foot ball because in lacroose you have stixs , you score in a net, you have a spot that you have to stay by, you have a goaly, you dont tackle.ect.
most definitely
A net tilt is actually referred to in lacrosse when a charging player assaults the goalie and throws him into the net making it tilt. Thus the term "Net Tilt"
No, hurling and lacrosse do not both use sticks with a net. Hurling, a traditional Irish sport, uses a stick called a hurley, which has a flat, curved end for striking a small ball called a sliotar. Lacrosse, on the other hand, uses a stick with a net pocket at the end to catch, carry, and pass a rubber ball. While both sports involve sticks and balls, the equipment used is different in each case.
Isn't it lacrosse?