Fox Sports Net was created in 1996.
Most pokersites, including Full Tilt have a ".com" address and a ".net" address. The .net address is in most cases the free play one.
Full Tilt Poker-net Pro Showdown - 2006 TV was released on: USA: 22 June 2006
Slang-active in sports
Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This one meant to meet, to come across. A cowboy might say "If you tilt on Bob, remind him he owes me a drink."
Zip; Nil; Goose egg; Zilch;
There is no slang term for "have." Slang terms are used for things that are complex, or for things used in a particular situation (such as sports or work). People don't make up slang for simple words.
BaseballSoftballIce hockey (played with a puck and a net)American footballGolfPolo