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No, it's a no contact game but you can intercept passes :)

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12y ago

Yes you can, if you keep obstructing, carry on on with contact or start swearing at fellow players, coaches or the umpire.

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13y ago

no all u are allowed to do with the ball is throw(shoulderpass,chestpass hi-pass)catch and shoot

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Q: Are you allowed to dribble once in netball?
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How can you use the word dribble in sentence?

You cannot dribble with the ball in a game of netball.

How many people are allowed on at once in netball?

there are allowed to be 7 people on the court at once but 10 people on a team

What is the difference between soccer and netball?

Netball is a women's sport while basketball is a sport for men. Well whoever answered this question is obviously sexist. I am a woman and have played both netball and basketball. They are 2 entirely different sports.

In netball has the GS always been allowed out of the shooting circle?

yes it is and has allways been allowed outside the netball circle

Did basketball players dribble the ball when it was first created?

When basketball was first created players were not allowed to dribble the ball.

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What is it called when a player goes in an area they aren't allowed in in netball?

It depends if you are playing proper netball or nettaball (younger players netball). In netball it is offside.

Are you allowed to touch the ball if the opposition has it in netball?


What is the different betwen netball and basketball?

In netball you cannot bouncethe ball whereas you can in basketball and in netball only certain players are allowed in specific thirds prior to which position they play, but in basketball the whole team is allowed anywhere.

How many games does each team play in a netball season?

in netball max you are allowed to have 11 people.

Where is goal attack allowed in netball?

Never and nowhere.

Who is allowed on the majority of the netball court where arthey not allowed to go?

center,the center is not allowed in the goal circles