

What is the different betwen netball and basketball?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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In Netball you cannot bouncethe ball whereas you can in Basketball and in netball only certain players are allowed in specific thirds prior to which position they play, but in basketball the whole team is allowed anywhere.

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Q: What is the different betwen netball and basketball?
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What is the different between netball and basketball?

The difference between basketball and netball is that in basketball you can take more than 2 steps and dribble up the court, but in netball the most amount of steps you can take is 2 and you are put in certain positions. Another difference is that netball is played in thirds and basketball in halves.

What came first netball or basketball?

basketball. netball originated from basketball

When did basketball become netball?

Netball came from basketball so was originally called basketball but over the years the name has changed just like the rules!

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In handball you have goals and in netball you have a net(like in basketball). Balls are different. Netball is mostly(only) played by females.

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Netball is a women's sport while basketball is a sport for men. Well whoever answered this question is obviously sexist. I am a woman and have played both netball and basketball. They are 2 entirely different sports.

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Netball was invented in 1892 but was called Women's Basketball not Netball.

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Why is knowing a variety of shots in netball a strength?

netball isn't basketball, there are no variety of shots, its just one shot although different techniques are used by different players but there are no names like a slam dunk...

Is Basketball and Netball a outdoor sport?

Basketball and Netball are usually played as an indoor sport, however yes they can also be played outside.

What country plays netball and basketball?

Netball is very popular in Australia and New Zealand. I think you'll find basketball is played in a lot of countries.

How do you say netball in mandarin?

篮球 that means basketball but i dont know how to say netball