The goal posts are placed eight yards apart at the center of each end of the field.
I hope this answers my question
Polo. It's a team game, and you use mallets to hit a ball between goal posts.
Polo goals consist of 2 posts 8yds, 24' or 7.32m apart.
Hit ball through goal.
Polo A Dash for Goal - 1899 was released on: USA: September 1899
Yes he did.
yes he did reach his goal in China
Ther answer is Water Polo. The goal at the deep end is smaller than the goal at the shallow end.
Water polo goals are 3 meters wide, with the height dependent on the depth of the water. The crossbar of the goal needs to be at least 2.4 meters above the bottom of the pool, and has to be at least .9 meters high.
If you need this answer because you are doing a crossword puzzle, be aware that the answer could be 'cars' as in the Volkswagen Polo Goal, a car.
== == See the Related Links for "Rules of polo" to the bottom for the answer.
Yes, kinda.