If you mean American Football, it is often referred to as 'Grid Iron'. If you are referring to the international sport of Football, it is known as 'Soccer' in a number of countries, which originates from it's full title, "asSOCiation football".
grid iron
perhaps, if it is a shortened version of gridiron.
Football field.
Herty Field.
Herty Field
Boyd Field
an oval
about the size of a football field
Another name for field of rice is paddy field, rice paddy, semiaquatic crop or flooded parcel.
Soccer and football are both played on the same field, at least in high school. Also there is a certain college that has a football field on top of their baseball field. Also I think Football and Rugby are played on the same field
Footy or soccer.
Well, isn't that a fun question! A football field is a rectangular shape, so it doesn't have a square root like a square would. But if we imagine the area of a football field as a square, we could find the square root by taking the square root of the area in square units. Just remember, math can be as creative and imaginative as painting a happy little tree!