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Q: How many consecutive years has nebraska unl stadium been sold out?
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What team has been in the super bowl 4 or more consecutive years?

The cowboys!!

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What is the record for a hockey team playing in consecutive years?

Montreal has been playing since 1917, making them the longest team to play consecutive seasons.

Are Liverpool fc going to get a new stadium?

There has been talk of a new stadium for years now, but there have been no official construction deals or moves going on. If they do move in the future, it will not be soon.

What bowl game has been played for the most consecutive years?

That would be the Rose Bowl which has been played every year since 1916.

Who are Nebraska's rivals?

Oklahoma..even tho they play 2 times every 4 years. Missouri is a rival as they play for the nebraska Missouri bell. Colorado says were a rival but most nebraska fans don't think so...but in recent years the games have been heated and kind of became a rivalry.

Since 1968 the political party in power for the longest period of time consecutively has been this party?

Obviously, there are several ways this question can be answer. This answer applies specifically to the United States of America. Since 1968, the Presidency has been occupied by a Republican the most time, for a total of 7 terms or 28 years, 3 (12 years) of which were consecutive. Democrats have held the White House a total of 5 terms (20 years), no more than 2 terms consecutive. The Senate has been held for 7 consecutive terms (18 years) by the Democrats. The House has similarly been held for 14 consecutive terms by the Democrats. Both Houses have been simultaneously held by the Democrats for 7 consecutive terms. If concerned with periods where the Presidency AND both houses of Congress were held by a single party, there were 4 consecutive years under Jimmy Carter (Democrat), and a similar 4 years under G.W. Bush (Republican). However, the latter likely wins as longest, since there was an additional period where the Senate was tied 50/50, with a Republican V.P. to break the tie.

What is the Jacksonville Jaguars record at Alltel Stadium?

The record of the Jacksonville Jaguars at Alltel Stadium is 131 wins and 141 losses. They have played in the stadium since 2007, and have been one of the worst teams in the league for several years.

Can you use the word consecuive in a sentence?

Senator Francis has represented the state of Utah for 18 consecutive years. Dad called the sanitation department because our trash has not been picked up for two consecutive weeks. The child has been out with the flu for three consecutive days. That actor has won at least one academy award for five consecutive years now. The president served two consecutive terms in office. Will you take your two weeks of vacation consecutively or will you take one in June and one in July? For six consecutive years, mom has hosted Thanksgiving dinner and I think it's time for someone else to do it next year. She has now flunked out of her third consecutive school and I don't think she'll ever earn a diploma.

Why have Olympic events been held every four years?

The olympic city and stadium have to be built , and it takes roughly four years to complete.

How do you un-invite a guest to play in a golf tournament after they have been your guest for 4 consecutive years?

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