well they shouldn't banned sports but people get hurt in sports and schools don't want people to sewing the school
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Sports can be bad for many reasons. For instance, the possibility of injury is ever-present, not to mention the whole psychological conditioning where we find ourselves actually *wanting* our team to hurt the other team.
Underlying the whole competition thing is the idea that we are all taught to take sides against one another based on arbitrary "teams" rather than working together. This affects children's sports where we teach kids to overcome their natural compassionate natures and *not* to help the other team, but to stay on their own "side." This idea often continues into adulthood, where sports rivalries can turn ugly, but the underlying psychology can also spread into the way that we think about many other things, dividing into "us" and "them" in politics, religion, education, wealth, and so many other areas as well.
In sports, we are expected to show team spirit and hostility to the other teams. This territorial impulse in context seems harmless, but if we let it crawl into the way that we see the world, it can grow into something much uglier.
We live in a world where people fight wars and kill each other over ideas, and it is easy to cling to the idea of our "home team." Instead of caring about others because they are human, we decide that we only need to care for the people like us... they are the ones that are on "our side" and feeling hostility for others feels natural rather than learning to understand their perspectives and work out a solution for everyone. We don't even consider that there are alternatives to the WIN-LOSE outcome... all we want to do is make sure "our side" wins, by whatever means necessary.
The merits of the "others," as we are taught to think of them, are never considered. The dangerous element of sports is that it precludes us from thinking about that question of merit altogether. If the Soviets can be our allies during WWII, then our mortal enemies during the cold war, without fundamentally changing anything about their ideology, one can only assume that their classification as ally or enemy is arbitrary and rests on political notions that have no basis in philosophy.
Similarly our political conflict comes down to just choosing sides. The fact that the government keeps shutting down is evidence that we have forgotten how to cooperate, and we are addicted to competition.
Sports is our first lesson in anti-cooperation, and if we aren't careful, it can also be a lesson in how not to think, but to act blindly in service of one arbitrary group over another.
Well, technically they aren't (they give teens motivation, character, heath, plus new skills they never thought they had and strength and a new hobby) but if the sport is a little rough, they turn out a little rough, too. But other wise, sports are a great things for teens and other people at any age (as long as they r not like 130 years old) like kids, adults, and even elders!
Most of the world does not consider soccer to be a bad sport. However, there are some drawbacks to the game, which has made it difficult to become as popular in the United States as it is in more of the world.
Soccer is usually a relatively low-scoring game. When compared to Gridiron (American) football, goals scored in soccer are worth fewer points, and there is only one method of scoring, while the NFL provides for five different methods. In Basketball, points are scored every few seconds throughout the game, and there are three methods of scoring.
Soccer is an athletic contest. Some people don't like athletic competition, preferring less-athletic sports like Golf, Curling, or Bowling, or games like Chess, Go, and Bridge.
Soccer is a commercialized multi-billion-dollar industry world-wide. Some people believe that true sports should not be monetized so much, without realizing that the money is what brings many sports to higher levels of competition and even to television.
Soccer does not (currently) use instant replays, video umpires, or line-watching technology. Fans of Gridiron football, Tennis, and some others that have entered the "technology era" dislike this fact, and consider the level of human error necessarily involved in having human referees using their own eyes to make calls to be unacceptable.
In Soccer, the game clock does not stop when the ball is out of play, such as in Gridiron football or Ice Hockey (puck instead of ball). Some people feel that this causes the game to be shorter than it should be, fearing that long periods of out-of-play time reduces the amount of in-play time for the game. They do not realize that the referee actually makes an allowance for such problems by adding time to the end of each period of play if there are excessive delays.
In conclusion, many of the so-called "drawbacks" to the game are actually considered to be benefits by fans of Soccer. Many people believe that having human referees, a continuous running clock, and sponsorships all add to the organic feel of the game.
Sports aren't bad. They actually make you healthier. You MAY get injured from it, but that doesn't happen in real life. Only in the movies :P
Sports are in no way bad for children, they may get an injury but they are learning life long lessons like being a team player and keeping fit