Last year Kevin Everett with the Buffalo Bills football team was paralyzed during a game. He has since recovered his ability to move his arms and legs, but he will never play football again.
Pele is known as the black pearl.
mahatma gandhi
Warren moon
The cast of Epic Flag Football - 2012 includes: Jeremy Driver as Football Player - Team Black Aaron Geiger as Football Player - Team White Jenna Hale as Pregnant Quarterback Mary Vaughan as Football Player - Team White Benjamin Walter Jones as Referee Brandon Westbrook as Football Player - Team White Austin Wiseman as Football Player - Team White Henry Xavier Smith as Football Player - Team Black
The first black football player in the SEC played for The University of Tennessee
Drogba, Essien or Eto'o are some famous soccer player who are black but there are too many good black soccer player to mention them all.
An actor, not a real NFL player
Sly stone?
Eddie McAshan
Fritz Pollard