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Q: What Year first black player played football for Alabama?
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Was Alabama one of the first major college to have black football players?

The first black football player in the SEC played for The University of Tennessee

John mitchell played football at the university of Alabama?

John Mitchell was one of the first two black players to join the Alabama football team. Mitchell played in 1971 and was co-captain in 1972.

What year did john mitchell play football at the university of Alabama?

John Mitchell played for Bear Bryant at the University of Alabama in 1971 and 1972. Mitchell and Wilbur Jackson were the first black players to play football at Alabama. Mitchell became co-captain of the 1972 team.

Who was Bear Bryant's first black player?

At the University of Alabama, Bryant's first African American scholarship player to play was running back Wilbur Jackson in 1971.

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Black college football "classics" were conceived in 1924 when Alabama State College and Tuskegee Institute met in the first-ever Turkey Day Classic in Montgomery, Alabama.

Who was the first black player for Alabama unv?

John Mitchell.

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What actors and actresses appeared in Epic Flag Football - 2012?

The cast of Epic Flag Football - 2012 includes: Jeremy Driver as Football Player - Team Black Aaron Geiger as Football Player - Team White Jenna Hale as Pregnant Quarterback Mary Vaughan as Football Player - Team White Benjamin Walter Jones as Referee Brandon Westbrook as Football Player - Team White Austin Wiseman as Football Player - Team White Henry Xavier Smith as Football Player - Team Black

Who was First black lacrosse player?

I don't know who the first black lacrosse player was. I have read that Rutgers had a black player a in the 1940s, but I have no further information. The first black lacrosse player who rose to prominence was Jim Brown, a 2x All-American middie from Syracuse who graduated in 1957. Brown, from Manhasset NY, subsequently played professional football & acted in movies. === ===