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A 12-6 curveball is a breaking ball that has only downwards movement. However, it's unlike a sinker in that a sinker breaks at a sort of right angle while a 12-6 is in more of an arc and generally breaks harder and more. It's a very effective pitch to throw.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

You wanna grip the Baseball with your middle finger on the outside seam of the horseshoe and let your index finger sit right beside without any pressure. Let your thumb Reston the backside of the baseball.

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Q: What type of curveball a 12 6 curveball or sweeping curveball?
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Fastball, Curveball, Changeup, Slider, Cutter, 2-Seamer. In his prime his fastball was about 92-93 MPH. His big, 12-6 curve was the what he was famous for....during the late 90s it was probably the best curveball in the game. His threw it about 70 MPH. The rest of his pitches were pretty average, but his fastball and that curveball were more than enough.

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The most basic pitch is the fastball. There is also the change-up, curveball, drop-ball, rise-ball, screwball, drop-curve, rise-curve, and knuckleball. So, I guess there are nine different softball pitches. Hope that helped!

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They might seem like they have the same flight patterns, but they don't. A 12-6 curveball thrown by an over-hander will go from 12 to 6, but if the same is thrown by a 3/4 or side-armer, the ball will react a little more like a slider.

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Tickety Toc - 2012 Leaf Sweeping Time Dress Up Time 3-6 was released on: USA: May 2012

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What is the difference between a fast ball and a curve ball?

The main difference between a slider and curveball is the way that they move. Imagine your throwing a slider at a clock. It would go from 3 to 9. However, if you were to throw a curveball at a clock it would go from about 1:30 to 7:30.