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they played senet,Wrestling, they danced and lots more!!

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yes, they had recreational games, played in free time

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Q: What sports egyptians played?
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What sports did the Ancient Egyptians do?

They played a version of croquet...

Did the egyptians play any sports?

yeah they played score

What kind of sports did ancient egyptians play?

ancient Egyptians played boxing, fencing, hockey, rowing, swimming, weightlifting, wrestling etc.

What did the ancient egyptians do for sports and recreation?

Ancient Egyptians would play a game called senit. They leaders would host big parties with singers, dancers, and lots of food. They aslo hunted and fished. That's all i can think of. Hope i helped.

What is the board game that egyptians played called?

Senet is the name of the board game that the Egyptians played.

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What did Egyptians play?

the egyptians might have played kickball but im not sure hahahaha

When was the sport of hockey invented?

"Hockey has been played in some form or other for 100s of years. It is thought to be 1 of the earliest sports in the world, and was played by the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, Romans, and Arabs." ( I hope that can help!!

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Yes sports were played in the 1880s!!!!!!!!

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all sports played in the U.S.A

How did the lower class Egyptians have fun?

the lower class Egyptians mostly played ball.

What kind of sports do the Egyptians play?

tennis, football, beach handball, speedball, rowing