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if u have good score in your game then u can lead the game and u have more chance to win the game

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Q: What is an advantage score?
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What does it mean when the score is advantage in in tennis?

the server has the advantage to win the game after deuce

What score follows deuce?

40-40 or when a player gets an advantage and in the following serve the opponents gets the,again they are levelled again.

What does ADV mean in tennis?

ADV stands for 'advantage'. ADV is used when a player scores a point when the score is at duece. The player has the 'advantage' because if they win the next point, they win the game. If the player who has the advantage loses the next point, the score goes back to duece.

Which FICO score does FHA use?

You answered your own question, the scoring model they use is your FICO score, not your FAKO score which it is called when you purchase your score from one of the big 3, that scoring model is called Advantage.

Will you receive a scholarship if you have a high SAT score?

While having a high SAT score gives you an advantage, no scholarship is guaranteed for having one.

What is the advantage out in tennis?

An advantage out (or ad. out, when you call the score) is when youe oppenent has won the first point of duece (40-40.) Ad. in, is when you win the first point of duece.

What is an ad in tennis?

Okay, so lets say it was deuce. Then I was the server, and I won the point you call it ad-in meaning its MY advantage.. But if you win the point, it's called ad-out- that means its YOUR advantage.

What is advantage in in tennis?

An advantage is given to the player who wins a point at deuce (40:40.) If that player wins the next consecutive point after that they win that game. If the opposing player wins that point, the score goes back to deuce. A player must win two points consecutively at deuce in order to win the game.

What are some benefits of using a z-score?

An advantage of using a z-score is that it allows you to compare two scores in the same manner. ?æIt standardizes the scores so that they can be compared to one another.?æ

If the score is 40-30 and the server loses the next point what is the score?

Then, you go to "Deuce", and if the other person loses the first round in it, then you have the advantage. Then, If they lose again, you win.(This can also happen vice-versa)

What strengths and weaknesses does measures of central tendency have?

1) Advantage : The average scores can be worked out effictively and efficiently 2) Disadvantage : A realy high score and a realy low score will affect results Mean Median Mode

Benefits of Getting a Free Credit Score?

Due to the tightened credit markets, having a good credit score today is more important that it ever was in before. Because of this, you should take advantage of opportunities to get your free credit score when it is available. When you get a free copy of your credit score you will be able to see what your score is and how it compares to other consumers. You will also get a report stating what is keeping your score lower than what it could be. From there you can concentrate your efforts to try and improve those areas, which should improve your overall score.