Okay, so lets say it was deuce. Then I was the server, and I won the point you call it ad-in meaning its MY advantage.. But if you win the point, it's called ad-out- that means its YOUR advantage.
the server
The ad side of a tennis court is the players left side. Or the opponents right side.
It is either ad in or ad out. If the server won the point it is ad in and if the returner won the point then it is ad out.
When serving or returning, there is a deuce side and an ad side. The deuce side is on the right, the ad side is on the left.
ad in, Ashe
Ursula Mayes
advantage in favor of the server in tennis; advantage in favor of the receiver. Terms used after a deuce, i.e., 30-all.
Believe it or not!
after you get deuce and the server wins the point. You call it 'ad in'
deuce side..the left side is the ad side
match, point, serve, ad out