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Q: What is a sport with a ball and a trampoline?
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What sport is the term trampoline associated with?


How do you spell trampoline?

That is the correct spelling of "trampoline" (equipment on which you bounce, for exercise or sport).

In what sport ia a trampoline used?

Trampolining is used in the following sports:TrampoliningGymnastics (but not the Olympic sport; mainly just training)

How many players are in trampoline dodge ball?

I do not think it matters

What sport became a first time medal event in 2000 olympics?


How does a trampoline make you jump?

The bounce of a trampoline is impacted by the amount of trampoline springs and the size of the trampoline. The more trampoline springs that are featured on a trampoline, the higher and better bounce the trampoline will produce. Larger trampolines produce better bounces because they are able to have more springs, providing more elasticity to the bed and generating a better bounce.

When did bouncing and jumping on a trampoline become considered an Olympic event?

Trampoline became an Olympic sport in the year 2000 in Sydney, Australia. Gymnasts do acrobatic activities using the trampoline. The schools have removed the trampoline from physical education classes at the same time due to injuries and the insurance cost.

Is bocce ball an Italian sport?

Bocce ball is NOT an Olympic sport, sadly.

What sport uses the ball as defense?

You can use the ball as defense in the sport of dodgeball.

Is it OK to hit a soccer ball against a trampoline net?

yes it is "ok", just beware of the soccer ball's return o.O

How is Einstein involved in gravity?

His general theory of relativity explains that gravity is produced by the bending of space. There is a formula to calculate the gravity of an objects gravity directly related to the mass of the object. Think of a trampoline with a heavy bowling ball in the very center. If you set a golf ball on the edge of the trampoline it will roll to the bowling ball due to the bending of the trampoline fabric. If you were to roll the golf ball around the trampoline instead of at the bowling ball you will notice the golf ball will make several rotations around the bowling ball befor hitting it. Now imagine the mass of the bowling ball has increased 100 fold, it would bend the fabric of the trampoline to the ground in the center. If you were to set the golf ball on the edge of the trampoline now you would see it fall to the center much much faster than it did earlier. This is a simple explanation of why the moon circles the earth, or earth the sun. The moon is actually falling towards earth but moves to fast it keeps missing it. These ideas are fundamental to our understanding of gravity, which we would never know had Einstein not written his paper.

What is the fast ball sport?

The fast ball sport is baseball, a fast ball is basically when a pitcher just throws the ball staight at the strike zone.