The preparation is to judge as best as you can the position the ball will be spiked to and move into position. The action is to bend your knees and ready your arms to bat the spiked ball back into the air. The recovery is to follow through with your arms and make contact with the ball.
Preparation, Activities, Recovery
Preparation of training, conduct of training, and recovery from training.
The entire procedure should take about an hour, not counting preparation and recovery time.
perform decontamination
During a direct action recovery, you should pick up a weapon and assist the recovery team.
Perform immediate decontamination (if required)
Directly from FM 7-22 October 2012 - "PRT sessions consist of the elements of preparation, activities, and recovery. Each element includes the exercises needed to conduct performance-oriented PRT sessions that effectively address physical readiness components."
Cars Recovery LA provides this type of service for the Los Angeles area. Action Recovery Service is available in the Carolinas. Do not forget about Onstar for GM vehicles.