A professional football team averaged 50,000 fans for each of its eight home games. What is the order of magnitude of the total attendance?
The question is, I think about "apparent magnitude". The question is hard to answer precisely, because there aren't eight stars of magnitude 1 exactly. There is the expression "stars of the first magnitude" which is the 21 brightest stars (in apparent magnitude). Our Sun is not included. Anyway, here is that list starting with Sirius, the brightest (magnitude -1.46) down to Regulus (magnitude +1.36) : Sirius Canopus Arcturus Alpha Centauri Vega Capella Rigel Procyon Betelgeuse Achernar Hadar Altair Acrux (Alpha Crucis) Aldebaren Spica Antares Formalhaut Pollux Deneb Becrux (Beta Crucis) Regulus.
The average male can jump eight feet and female seven feet. Many factors can put someone below or above these averages.
Yes it does. Depending on the industry, long service leave averages ten weeks for every eight to ten years of service.
Gravy Train dog food comes in two different types, either soft dog food or hard dog food. Soft dog food averages about eight dollars a can. Hard dog food averages about fifteen dollars a bag.
Eight. If I'm not mistaken...
A spider or a Baseball team.
Eight. If I'm not mistaken...
Eight Men Out
(Cos30)300 = (0.883) 300 = 264.88 = 265 Nt.
Baseball, Football, Softball
Eight teams.