Its technically a sport because you do compete against other individuals. College athletes and professionals all have specific training regimens to condition their body specifically for bowling and actually compete on a much tougher playing field than your typical bowler. It is like other sports in the aspect that you can play for leisure.
Maybe it got its name from throwing a ball down a lane, which would sort of be like balling.
My Response:
Websters dictionary: sport - (1) : physical activity engaged in for pleasure (2) : a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in
It would seem that bowling fits the mold of both.
Bowling has long been considered a true sport. There are professionals that earn their living by playing the sport. There are local, regional, national and international competitions. There are naysayers that feel that if a sport is not in the Olympics, then it isn't considered a real sport. However there are sports, such as Squash and Cricket not in the Olympics. And there are sports that deal with placement, such as Curling that are in the Olympics.
Bowling has never been part of the traditional Summer or Winter Olympics. However bowling has been a Special Olympics sport since 1975.
No. However it is a Special Olympics sport since 1975.
No. The International Olympic Committee recognizes bowling as an Olympic sport but has never added it to the Olympics. However, bowling has been an event of the Special Olympics since 1975.
I heard on the Olympics that it is Bowling. JB
The USBC (United States Bowling Congress) is currently part of working towards bringing the sport of bowling to the Olympics.
Because it is something everyone can do. But I think it should be in the olympics because there are pros. in the world and they would be good to be in the olympics. I think it should be in the olympics and that is my reason.
Sadly, lawn bowls is not an Olympic sport. But it is played in the commonwealth games.
Gymnastics was considered a sport in the olympics in 1954.
There are many, many sports that have not been events in the Olympics
Ballet is not considered a sport. If you think about it, only sports are in the Olympics. Ballet is an art.