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Q: In which sport could you hit a ' six ' or ' bowl a leg spinner '?
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Which the sport where you could be out leg before we wicket or hit a six?


Which is the sport where you could be out leg before wicket or hit a six?

Cricket Dumas

How fast is a 400cc ATV?

Depends on the make and model. If it's a utility, you'll be lucky to hit 30. If it's a sport model, you could potentially hit 80.

How is damaged equipment a risk in sport?

You might not have tight grip of a racket or something and could fly out of your hand and hit someone in the face

What is a base hit?

A base hit is a hit in the sport of baseball in which the batter safely reaches base.

IT IS WHEN YOu hit each other in a sport?


In which sport would you hit a six?


Which sport is the most dangerous basketball or football?

Football because you could seriously injure aperson or you could kill them accidently. You could get hit in the face or accidently kick them in the jaw leading to a brocken jaw or ribs.

Why is volleyball a fun sport?

because you can hit the ball

The sport switch in the 1992 Honda accord is stuck on sport how do i unswitch the gear?

Hit it with a big hammer

Why do they spray the bowl in the game of lawn bowls?

The only time, that i can think of, when you spray a bowl in a game of lawn bowls, is when the wood (black bowl) has touched the Jack (white ball) They spray the black bowl, with a white spray chalk, so that you can see that it hit the Jack. If a bowl has been sprayed with the spray chalk, it means that it is a LIVE BOWL and, even if it is hit out of the rink, it still counts.

How does contact sport promote violence?

People get in fights with contact sports because they could be mad that you actually hit them or they didn't want to get tackled or mabey the person that hit/tackled them said something mean when the person fell.