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You might not have tight grip of a racket or something and could fly out of your hand and hit someone in the face

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There could be sharp points, electric explosions

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Q: How is damaged equipment a risk in sport?
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Why are participants are at risk while taking part in sport?

due to equipment,injuries or their health conditions. Just learnt about it in btec sport

What is the Threat Assessment Model?

The TAM is a simple method of performing a Risk Assessment. To begin, we have an asset. An information asset may be a piece of equipment, some data, or confidential information. A vulnerability contributes to the risk that the asset may be damaged, which exposes the company to loss and generates the necessity for a control or safeguard. Let's say that our data processing equipment is vulnerable to power outage. The power outage would pose some risk of that asset being damaged or unavailable, resulting in the exposure or inherent risk. Inherent risk is the highest possible risk we have if there are no controls in place.

Why play in safe surface?

so theres no risk to any1 parcipertating in the sport e.g equipment or slippy surface could cause injury's)

What should fitness equipment be purchased new?

used or second-hand items may be damaged, making them less effective and putting you at a higher risk for injury

What should you do if any of your equipment is damaged or defective?

If your equipment is damaged or defective, place it out of service and use something else.

Who is liable for damages to rented equipment?


What Sport equipment that start with a?


Why must damaged eletrical epuitpment and cables be kept away from water?

Water is a good conductor of electricity. If damaged electrical equipment or cables come into contact with water, it increases the risk of electric shock or short circuiting, which can lead to fires or other dangerous situations. Keeping them away from water reduces the risk of accidents and ensures electrical safety.

If liver broken then it will take to risk to human?

If the liver is broken or damaged, it will cause a risk to human health. If the liver is badly damaged, it can lead to death.

Can your phone cause an electric shock?

Under normal use, your phone will not cause an electric shock. However, if there is a faulty charger or damaged equipment, there is a small risk of electric shock. It is always recommended to inspect your charging equipment regularly for any damage or wear.

What are the implications of ESD damaged equipment to an orginisation?


How do you deal with damaged surfaces and equipment?

Repair or replace them.