People get in fights with contact sports because they could be mad that you actually hit them or they didn't want to get tackled or mabey the person that hit/tackled them said something mean when the person fell.
If you think sports are violent..then you need to stop sucking off your moms tit
It depends which sport your on about football and rugby no but boxing i would say yes
they really arent for sure how Venezuela uses sport to promote development
A previous "answerer" wrote ..Water polo is a non-contact sport, therefore correct and strong refereeing will prevent violence occurringThis is simply WRONG, and it misses the point.Water polo is a very physical contact sport. The manner of play and kinds of contact are similar to basketball and team handball. Physical play is constant, and penalized only when it takes away advantage, or when it crosses the line into violence. Most specifically, it is perfectly legal to impede, hold, sink or pullback a player holding on to the ball .. see rules 20.9 and 21.8. Think rugby or hockey, not soccer.However, there is a huge difference between contact and violence. To make violence the responsibility of the referee is getting it backwards. Violence is prevented through good parenting and good coaching, particularly around keeping composure. The nature of the sport is that incidental contact happens. The vast majority of violent incidents start when the recipient of something incidental takes it personally, reciprocates, and it escalates.The way to prevent violence in water polo is for parents and coaches to teach players to not be violent.
HOCKEY has the most violence. Football is a little rough too.
boxing, wrestling, UFC.
Soccer/football is the most watched contact sport.
No it is not. But then again, it is. Depends on what your definition of "contact sport" is. In most cases, ping pong is not a contact sport for it contains no actual physical contact between the players as you would see in hockey or football (which are full contact, or collision, sports). According to another definition, ping pong, in a way, is a contact sports because there is physical contact between the player and the ball (when you go to serve the ball, you are holding it. This is considered contact between player and object).
it is a contact force