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Q: How long to groin sprain injuries last for?
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How long you should ice an injury?

Depending on the injury. If its a bad sprain or and break, then keep the ice on it for a while. For minor injuries, there is no need to keep it on there too long

How long does an injury last?

Injuries can last anywhere from a day to years. It all depends on the injury and how and it is.

How do you use the word groin in a sentence?

He felt a sharp pain in his groin after running for too long.

How long to heal a back sprain?

About 2 to 1 weeks

How long will your pinky take to heal after a sprain?

It would be two weeks before it heals and if it is a really bad sprain it wounld take three weeks.

How Long does a sprained or broken ankle usually take to heal?

It depends on the where you break or sprain a body part breaking of the leg or arm hurts more than a sprain but a sprain on an ankle wrist or fingers and toes is typically more painful than a break, Yes a break is more severe but a sprain can often cause more pain

How long after a mild ankle sprain can you play soccer again?

3 weeks

How long do you need to suffer with pain for sprain ankle?

You don't 'need' to suffer at all

How long should stitches be left in groin?

It varies as to where they are. This something to talk to your doctor about.

How long can you be in ballet?

For a dancer in a professional company having ballet as their career, they usually last around 20 years. If one is dancing recreationally, then one can dance as long as they want as long as they do not have any serious injuries.

How long does pain from compound spine fracture with muscle sprain last in a 67 yr female?

Pain from a compound fracture will take seconds, and there will be reddness, and swelling around the area. the person will barely be able to move, or even move there toes.

What are the long term negative effects netball has on your body?

The long term negative affects of netball is that you can badly sprain your ankles or feel the pain for a while