You don't 'need' to suffer at all
It depends on the where you break or sprain a body part breaking of the leg or arm hurts more than a sprain but a sprain on an ankle wrist or fingers and toes is typically more painful than a break, Yes a break is more severe but a sprain can often cause more pain
I sprained mine heelflipping over my sidewalk. It'll hurt for about a week, and you shouldn't get on a board for at least 3 weeks, just to be safe. After that, you'll have to judge for yourself, and take it slow for awhile until you're sure that your ankle can handle the stress of skateboarding again.
Keep weight off of the ankle, keep it elevated when resting, alternate heat and cold to reduce swelling, apply a supportive wrap when walking is required, and do gentle stretches (as long as they don't cause any pain) to keep the ankle from getting stiff.
Break or sprain your ankle even though it'll hurt a lil it'll get you out for as long as you want that's what I did but I didn't break it do I have to go next week :(
cleats,shirt,shorts,[always in uniform],long socks, and a ankle protector
Do nothing people that sue others are found as the lowest scum in society its fine its only a sprained ankle as long as it wasent your fault you will be conpensated by your insurance
It generally takes 3 to 6 weeks for a mild to moderate sprain to heal. to fully heal the ankle it takes 1 year.
A typical ankle sprain can take 1-2 weeks for recovery. Depending on the severity of the injury, an ankle injury can take up to 12 weeks to heal. It is recommended to keep the ankle elevated, iced, and keep your weight of the injured ankle.
First you wet a towel then put it in your knee then put a bandaid when you washed the blood anand try to forget about it as much as you can
It generally takes 3 to 6 weeks for a mild to moderate sprain to heal. to fully heal the ankle it takes 1 year.
I say it's around 71/2 weeks before you can walk again.