Practice helps a lot because after you do the same stuff over and over again it starts to come automatically.
Alcohol consumption leads to nerve disorders and also Jaundice. Under such conditions the person becomes unfit for any stress-laid physical activities. So drinking alcohol does affect the sports training and performance
u know where the shuttle will be hitted by ur opponent
it is a performance that is previous that Africa performed
Some are a death in the family, a problem at home or financial problems
fasting affect performance
not having the facilites such as a gym or resources that let you train in your area
To improve your performance during practice sessions and beat your previous time, focus on setting specific goals, maintaining a consistent practice schedule, incorporating interval training, staying mentally focused, and seeking feedback from a coach or mentor.
Medical history can have a huge effect on exercise and training fitness can be inherited training can only be done to the level passed through the generations.
If you have dehydration, you become lightheaded and sometimes black out so it could make you lousy in the sport or the sports training.
qualified instructor
It is possible for anxiety to affect a student's performance. It could affect their ability to concentrate.