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Q: What drugs factors can affect sports training and performance?
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What stress factors can affect sports training and performance?

Some are a death in the family, a problem at home or financial problems

Can you Describe the effects of psychological factors on sports training and performance?

btec sport

Describe the effects of psychological factors on sports training and performance?

not quite that clever

What psychological factors can affect sports performance?

pressure, diet, depression

How can Lack of access to sports facilities affect sports training and performance?

not having the facilites such as a gym or resources that let you train in your area

How does drinking alcohol affect your sports training and performance?

Alcohol consumption leads to nerve disorders and also Jaundice. Under such conditions the person becomes unfit for any stress-laid physical activities. So drinking alcohol does affect the sports training and performance

How can dehydration affect a sports persons performance?

If you have dehydration, you become lightheaded and sometimes black out so it could make you lousy in the sport or the sports training.

How can wearing jewelry affect sports performance?

Wearing jewelleries might affect sports performance because you might hit someone with that jewellery

How does arousal and anxiety affect sports performance?


What are the effects of lifestyle on a sports training performance?

The answer is bad. Very bad.

How can concentration affect your sports performance?

if you concentrate and don't swap mosquitoes you can do sports faster

How do the factors of nature and nurture influence athletic performance and success in sports?

Nature and nurture both play significant roles in influencing athletic performance and success in sports. Nature refers to genetic factors such as physical attributes and predispositions, while nurture includes environmental factors like training, coaching, and access to resources. The interaction between these factors can determine an athlete's potential and ability to excel in their sport.