Alcohol consumption leads to nerve disorders and also Jaundice. Under such conditions the person becomes unfit for any stress-laid physical activities. So drinking alcohol does affect the sports training and performance
Not physically, but heavy drinking stops emotional growth.
No. Corticosteroids can affect your mood, and could combine with alcohol (especially in terms of mood swings), but they will not affect the actual level of alcohol in your blood.
Yes, it does because alcohol is alcohol anyway you put it.
In small doses, alcohol can increase performance slightly. However, beyond that it begins to have intoxicating effects and these dramatically reduce performance.
Drinking in moderation lowers the risk of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.
Yes it can affect your BAC if you have been drinking. Aspirin inhibits your body's ability to metabolize alcohol.
The energy drink contains no alcohol, so no, it won't.
Well if you are drunk then it can affect your co ordination and spatial awareness
If you drink too much it can damage your brain.
In small doses, alcohol can increase performance slightly. However, beyond that it begins to have intoxicating effects and these dramatically reduce performance.