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Q: How many people watch organized sports in the US?
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Related questions

How many people watch sport on Television?

Infinitly people watch sports because sports bring wining spirit to the people.

How many people watch pro wrestling vs other sports?

98% of all people worldwide watch wrestling instead of other sports.

How many people like to watch sports during school?


Why is sport a part of the socio-economics of a country?

People like to watch and participate in sports. Equipment for the sport is sold, tickets to watch the sport are sold, and many people are employed as a result of sports.

How many people watch sports online?

due to global warming, 550 billion

How many people watch sports at home?

Between Nascar, Football and Basketball alone, hundreds of thousands of people watch sports. In 2007 alone, 139 million people from 232 countries tuned in to watch the superbowl. In 2009 it was more like 141 million.

How many people watched wall ball in the 2008 Olympics?

96825100000000000000 people watch sports every year

How many people watch professional sports?

enough to pay the players millions of dollars :D

How many hours a week do people watch sports?

about 40 million peopleApproximately 500, 475,000

How many children play organized sports in the us?

over 100,000

Why do sports attract so many fans?

because the people who don't have anything else to do watch tv and they find sports so they become fans

Name something many people watch on tv that is boring?

soap opera news sports reality tv