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In chronological order: Nathan Pratt, Allen Sarlo, Jay Adams, Tony Alva, Chris Cahill, and Stacy Peralta. Later on, local skaters Bob Biniak, Paul Constantineau, Jim Muir, Peggy Oki, Shogo Kubo and Wentzle Ruml joined, creating the Z-Boys.

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Q: Who were the people on the zephyr skateboarding team?
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Who skateboarding teams are sponsoring?

Every skateboarding team or company are sponsoring and will probably always be. They are all just looking for incredible talent.

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Back in the day Converse used to have an amazing skateboarding team, so yes you can skate in some converse.

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Zephyr - Zephyr album - was created in 1969.

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Type your answer here... 4.3 thousand people think that skateboarding is not a sport

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DGK is a skateboarding team DGK stands for "dirty ghetto kids"

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How about: The Jolly satanists?

Is The skateboarding team Emerica video stay gold out yet?

yeah, get it on limewire