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The boardslide emerged from the rocknroll, and was originally done in pools by Peter Kiwi Gifford in the late 1970s. Many people have been credited with invented the street boardslide, but a large group of people would credit Corey O'Brien with invented it on double-sided curbs. Others may credit John Lucero, who is always widely credited with inventing the slappy. Lucero also skated a lot with Neil Blender, who had the first photo of a board slide on a bench. Later, Steve Caballero was on the cover of Thrasher Magazine doing a frontside boardslide on a curb, but again, there were many people learning a lot of things and it's probably best credited to many people, or simultaneous invention. As for a boardslide on a handrail, Mark Gonzales and Natas Kaupus were the first two people to skate a handrail and they learned the trick the same day on the same rail in Oceanside, CA.

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Q: Who invented the boardslide trick on a skateboard?
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