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Which ever way the traffic goes

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Q: What side of the street do you skateboard on?
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Is street grind a good skateboard brand?

Street grind is practically a bad brand. I suggest you to buy Hercules skateboard

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What is the best skateboard for street skating?

a scooter

Who is at fault when a skateboard accidentally rolls out into the street and gets stuck under a car?

It would be the owner of the skateboard's fault. Especially if the skateboard does any damage to that car.

What wheels should you get for your skateboard?

if you want to skate street get, Bones STF ( street formula) at

Skateboard wheels are part of the equipment for which of these extreme sports?

Street Luge

What is the skateboard that you lay down on called?

It's not a skateboard exactly but similar set up. The name is luge, street luge to me exact.

How much does a skateboard cost in Nepal?

A skateboard actually costs more than a bicycle because when we buy a skateboard, we have to get the whole set so the skateboard might cost about Rs. 1500 from my side in Nepal. Hope this helps you :)

Is it illegal to skateboard on a public street?

Call the non-emergency number of your local police station .

What would a skateboard say to a skateboarder?

stop rolling me

What is a double kick tail on a skateboard?

Well a skateboard usually has a kick and a catch to them the back side of the skateboard has a bigger lip called the kick and the othe the catch which is small this kick is used to pop your skateboard up more

How much money is a Danny way H street pro model skateboard worth?

It depends on how old it is