yes because you can express yourself freely and make anything out of it
Skateboarding is on it's way there but I'm not sure about surfing.
Because he's made a change to the world of skateboarding and snowboarding.
basicly yes for example tony hawk and Ryan sheckler they skateboard as their job and they got money from it so yes skateboarding is considered a job but if your in high school its just a hobbie well to most people that is to some its their whole life.
some are hulaing ,getting manual tatoos, no macines all hand art work, surfing and skateboarding.
skateboarding people......
his tomb is considered art
Yes, at skateboarding
It can be considered an art if you are very serious about it.
A skateboards use is what you want to do with it. Skateboarding is an art if you choose to skateboard it will be a good chocie. Skateboarding is exersize it is very indepent you progress depends on how much you skate and pratice. Skateboarding is for fun. There are many uses for skateboards if its skating down the side walk or pushing it into buildings to set of trip wire (used in the army for awile in the 1990's). Skateboards are used for doing tricks riding or just cruising. Although skateboarding will become so much more it is not just a piece of wood with wheels it is a passion. Good luck skating! Just remember have respect for skateboarding don't make skateboarding look worse than it does already.