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well it has to do with balance so if you cant balance off a skateboard than your not going to be able to on one so it kinda takes practice; like me and my friends say Skateboarding takes practice and practice make perfect

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

You hold it on your left side.. in a way that the wheels face outside.

^this is how most people hold it, but the grip tape will probably rip you shirts/jeans

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How did the skateboard evolved?

The deck of the skateboard was plastic and could not hold a lot of weight on it. The trucks on the skateboard were poorly made too! Now they have wood decks and holds lots of weight! The trucks on the board are now made of better materials!

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Hold L2, R2, Square, and X

Skateboard bearings are usually made of what type of metal?

Two bearings hold each wheel of a skateboard to the axle. These bearings are generally made out of steel. On some more expensive models, they may be made from silicon nitride, which is a ceramic.

Can you take a skateboard through the airport security in the airport onto the airplane?

it would normally be sent to the hold as its not considered hand luggage

What to put in a skateboard backpack?

A skateboard.

How do you spell skateboard in German?

It is exactly the same. "the skateboard" means "das skateboard"

How do you use skateboard in a sentence?

My brother's skateboard is blue with white and black, he loves his skateboard.

Given the same slope angle which is faster a snowboard or skateboard?

a skateboard will go faster a skateboard will go faster a skateboard will go faster