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1.put the wheel half way were you put the wheel on the skateboard then push the front of the wheel down and the back of the wheel up and one will come off .do the same with the other if they don't come of put wd40 on them and let them rest a while and do the steps again. if you have any questions go to

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14y ago
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14y ago

It would be very rare for a bike not to have any bearings, but it does happen every now and then on low-end kids bikes.

If the bike really hasn't got any bearings, leave it and move on, it's not worth putting any effort in.

If the bike have bearings, and you need to change them, then the metod will vary a bit with the design of that actual bike. Check out, or for hints and tips.

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14y ago

You take the wheel out by removing the bolts, and after that, with an Imbus wrench, you pull the bearings out. . you throw out your fruit boots and buy a skateboard...

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14y ago

you lean back or turn side ways you are welcome

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Q: How do you get your bearings out of your wheel on a skateboard?
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Related questions

How many wheels are on a skateboard?

a skateboard has 8 bearings. 2 bearings inside each wheel facing opposite ways inside each wheel

How do you remove the bearings on a skateboard?

pop them out of the wheel

What size bearings do you need if you have 52MM wheels?

All skateboard bearings will fit ANY sized skateboard wheel because the bearing hole is designed to be the same in all wheels.

Skateboard bearings are usually made of what type of metal?

Two bearings hold each wheel of a skateboard to the axle. These bearings are generally made out of steel. On some more expensive models, they may be made from silicon nitride, which is a ceramic.

Do bearings come on all skateboards?

Almost. I've seen a horribly cheap toy skateboard once that didn't have bearings, only a plastic center to the wheel. But apart from that, any time you buy a complete skateboard it'll come with bearings.

How many bearings are in 1 skateboard wheel?

2 bearing per wheel so there will be a total of 4 bearing in a whole scooter.

Are eagle sport bearings skateboard bearings?

yeah, theyre for skateboard and scooters

What is the little metal thing between the bearings in a skateboard wheel?

Bearings, They are in the metal wheel in the middle of the wheel to make it rotate around the truck axel. the wheels are usually solid if that's what your asking.

What amount of bearings make a skateboard work the best?

All 8 that should be in the wheels.. (2 per wheel.)

What is a berings from the skateboard?

Bearings? They are small round metal things that have little ball bearings inside (hence the name"Bearings"). They sit inside the middle of the wheel. When you are riding, bearings keep the wheel spinning when you aren't pushing the board so that you keep moving and don't stop abruptly.

How many bearings in a scooter?

For a kids push scooter, there are 2 bearings per wheel, 2 wheels per scooter. 4 bearings total. If you buy a pack of 8 for a skateboard, you will have 2 sets.

What are the two types of skateboard bearings?

FKD bearings