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Griptape is griptape, there is no good or bad with it. But, if you get the choice buy something like mob or jessup griptape rather than spitfire as spitfire specialise in wheels and you might look a bit stupid when you say you have spitfire grip.

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Q: Does spitfire make good grip tape?
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Is Iron horse grip tape good?

yea it is it last a long time and it has tons of grip

When was Grip Tape created?

Grip Tape was created in 1992.

Is die cut grip tape good?

yeah, it's alright

How much would an element fiber light skateboard sell for It has spitfire 48mm wheels independent trucks bones-swiss bearings and black magic grip tape?

around 100 bucks

How to cut grip tape?

You can cut grip tape with fine sharp scissors.

Should you use grip tape om your tennis racket?

Grip tape is needed to have good tension with your racquet, the better you can hold the racquet the better of your game

Is clear grip tape any good?

Clear grip tape is REALLY good if the top of your deck has graphics on it.. or .. What I've done on a couple of decks I've put together- put stickers on the top of the deck and lay over it with clear grip tape.. the effect is cool with the stickers showing through the tape and the decals stay somewhat protected too.. The down side of clear grip is that if it gets street crud all on it - it is a pain to clean..

How do you remove skateboard grip tape?

its easier to wear out your grip tape first slide your grip tape along a wall and it should Peel then get a hairdryer and heat up the peeling grip tape to release the glue then with a sharp knife carefully slide the knife under the grip tape while pressing a hair dying over it

How do you make custom grip tape stick to regular grip tape?

im no pro but i suggest you try taking off the old grip take before putting the new on. taking the old off wash the wood a bit, let it dry then put your new tape on ! :D

Can you get see through grip tape for skateboards?

Yes I even have some... the only problem with it is that the grip is not as good as it should be, but still skatable.

Will carpet tape work to put golf grips on golf clubs?

Yes, just make sure once you put it on you wet it with plenty of solvent, inside the grip and on the grip tape.

Can better grip tape help you ollie?

no it will not, only practice will. Grip tape causes your feet not to slide, if you don't have it your feet will not stay on the board. Grip tape is not a factor in your ollie.